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Harnessing the power of creative collaboration to show the positive impact our diamonds make.

We believe that every natural diamond has the potential to make a positive impact.

We invite you to discover ReSet Collective, a collaboration between five jewellery designers with a passion for natural diamonds and sustainability, who travelled to Botswana to follow the journey of a De Beers diamond.

Five unique designers, Five one-of-a-kind pendants, one special collaboration for a better future.

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In late 2019, jewellery designers Julez Bryant, Sara Weinstock, Jennie Kwon, Jade Trau and Zoë Chicco travelled to Botswana to follow the journey of a De Beers diamond and see first-hand the impact these incredible gems have in the areas where they are found. Each with her own story, style and personality, these artisans are united by their passion for designing jewellery, a love for natural diamonds and their commitment to sustainable and ethical practices.

Inspired by the people they met and the beautiful landscapes and wildlife they witnessed, each member of the collective has designed a unique pendant with De Beers diamonds.

These one-of-a-kind pieces were sold by Sotheby's, with proceeds donated to Stepping Stones International, a charity that unlocks the potential of vulnerable children and youth in Botswana, and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, the premier legal organisation fighting for racial justice in America.


Find out more about the designers and the inspirations behind each of their designs below. 

* Sotheby's fees will be payable in addition to the hammer price

Stepping Stones International

Stepping Stones International (SSI) unlocks the potential of vulnerable children and youth in Botswana by providing sustainable opportunities for self-sufficiency, empowering them to achieve their dreams and become leaders of their communities.

Inspired by an all-female collective and aligned with De Beers’ commitment to standing with women and girls, the donation made through ReSet will be channelled into a programme run by SSI to support young mothers with parenting skills and back to work training. It also provides sessions for new fathers around the importance of their roles and responsibilities.

Further details on SSI and ways to donate can be found here: www.steppingstonesintl.org

NAACP Legal Defense Fund

The NAACP Legal Defense Fund (LDF) is seen as the premier legal organisation fighting for racial justice in America. It seeks structural changes for greater democracy, the elimination of disparities and the achievement of racial justice in order to fulfil the promise of equality for all Americans.

It is universally recognised that more needs to be done within the jewellery industry and beyond, to promote inclusion and diversity and to achieve equality. All members of the collective therefore felt passionately that as well as supporting Botswana, the profits raised should also be put towards creating a better and more equal future in their home country of the US, by supporting the transformative impact and legacy of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.

Further details on the NAACP LDF and ways to donate can be found here: www.naacpldf.org

Sustainability & Ethics

Learn more about the people, programmes and initiatives that encompass ‘Building Forever’ - our commitment to creating a positive lasting legacy that will endure well beyond the recovery of our last diamond.

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